
Applying AI Eye Contact will automatically redirect eye gaze forward. This is helpful when you are reading from a script slightly off camera and want to make it look as though you are looking into the lens.

Availability & Pricing

  • AI Eye Contact is available on all platforms: Desktop, iPhone, and Android
  • AI Eye Contact is available with all subscription plans (Captions Pro, Max, and Scale)

How it works

Apply eye contact

To apply eye contact:

  1. Upload your video or record a video using the Captions Camera and Teleprompter
  2. Once your video has been uploaded, select Eye Contact

Disable eye contact

To disable Eye Contact, select Eye Contact again.


For best results, the subject should:

  • Look as close to the camera as possible
  • Position their script slightly above or to the side of the camera (rather than down)
  • Be close enough to the camera so that the white’s of their eyes are fully visible
  • Record right in the Captions Camera and Teleprompter

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