
The AI Creator API allows you to generate videos up to 1 minute in length in 30+ languages. You can choose from our community creators or create and use your own AI Twin.


Create a script

  • Write a script that is 800 characters or less (currently, videos must be 1 minute or less in length.
  • The script can be in any language and your language will be automatically detected.

Choose your creator

  • Open the Captions iPhone app to browse available community creators (Android coming soon).
  • You can also create your own AI Twin on the iOS app (Android coming soon).
  • Use the /list path to choose one of our creators, or your AI Twin.

Generate your video

Use the /submit path to enter your API Key, Creator Name, and Script.


Download your video

  • While you wait, you can use the /poll path to check the status.
  • Once complete, you’ll be able to download the video.

Requirements to using the API

To use the Captions API, you must:

  1. Accept the Captions API Terms
  2. Be actively subscribed to Captions Max, Scale, or Enterprise
  3. Have enough credits to complete your request

Usage, credits, and limitations

  • The AI Creator API consumes 1 credit per second.
  • For example, generating a 30-second video would consume 30 credits.
  • You can view remaining credits and purchase additional credits on the API Dashboard.
  • The maximum length of a video you can generate is 1 minute (800 character script)

Generate AI Twins

There are two ways to generate an AI Twin:

  1. Record your AI Twin in the Captions app - If you would like to generate just a few AI Twins, simply generate your AI Twin in the Captions app. It will be available when you list the available creators. AI Twins will be given a unique name and appear like twin-1-sam, twin-2-sam, etc. This is the most common and easiest way to generate an AI Twin.
  2. Generate your AI Twin programatically, via the API - If you would like to generate a large volume of AI Twins via the API, please learn more here.



List creators available to use in the API.


curl -X POST https://api.captions.ai/api/creator/list -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-api-key: <api-key>"

Response Types


Begin the video generation process with a specified AI Creator.


script - required - Scripts up to 800 characters are supported.

creatorName - optional - Default value is "Kate". For a complete list of supported creators, please refer to the /list endpoint down below and the Captions iOS app for their likeness.

webhookId - optional - Unique ID for a registered webhook to be used as a callback for any enabled events.

curl -X POST https://api.captions.ai/api/creator/submit -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-api-key: <api-key>" -d '{"creatorName": "<creator-name>", "script": "<script>"}'

Response Types


Check the status of an AI Creator video generation.


We recommend polling first after 30 seconds, and every 5 seconds thereafter.

curl -X POST https://api.captions.ai/api/creator/poll -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-api-key: <api-key>" -H "x-operation-id: <operation-id>"

Response Types