If you are looking for information about the Dubbing feature in the Captions app, click here.


The AI Translate API allows you to translate videos from one language to another with or without synchronized mouth movements (lipdub). Currently, we support translating into 30+ languages for videos up to 1 minute in length, with a single speaker.


Upload your video

Upload the video you’d like to translate and take note of the URL.


Choose your language

Use the /supported-languages path to list the available languages you can translate your video to.


Translate your video

Use the /submit path to translate your video with or without LipDub.

Requirements to using the API

To use the Captions API, you must:

  1. Accept the Captions API Terms
  2. Be actively subscribed to Captions Max, Scale, or Enterprise
  3. Have enough credits to complete your request

Usage & Credits

  • The AI Translate API consumes 1 credit per second of video
  • For example, translating a 30-second video would consume 30 credits
  • You can view remaining credits and purchase additional credits on the API Dashboard.



List languages supported to be used for translation.


curl -X POST https://api.captions.ai/api/translate/supported-languages -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-api-key: <api-key>"

Response Types


Begin the video translation process.


videoUrl - required - Link to the video to be translated.

sourceLanguage - required - Language spoken in the original video.

targetLanguage - required - Language desired in the translated video.

translateAudioOnly - optional - Default value is false. If the video doesn’t contain faces or you only want to dub the audio, set this to true.

curl -X POST https://api.captions.ai/api/translate/submit -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-api-key: <api-key>" -d '{"videoUrl": "<video-url>", "sourceLanguage": "<source-language>", "targetLanguage": "<target-language>", "translateAudioOnly": true|false}'

Response Types


Check the status of an AI Translate video generation.


We recommend polling first after 30 seconds, and every 5 seconds thereafter.

curl -X POST https://api.captions.ai/api/translate/poll -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-api-key: <api-key>" -H "x-operation-id: <operation-id>"

Response Types