What is an MCP Server?

MCP is an open protocol that standardizes how applications provide context to LLMs. Think of MCP like a USB-C port for AI applications. Just as USB-C provides a standardized way to connect your devices to various peripherals and accessories, MCP provides a standardized way to connect AI models to different data sources and tools. Learn more.

What can I do with the Captions MCP Server?

Using Claude or Cursor, you can do two powerful things:

  1. Make an API call - This means you can enter a prompt like “Check the status of my last Lipdub video generation request.” Claude can make API calls so you can get updates by writing with a natural language prompt. To see the full list, take a look at our APIs.
  2. Search Captions documentation - This means you can enter a prompt like “What languages are supported for Dubbing in the Captions App?” Claude will search the Captions documentation for the answer. Normally, Claude cannot directly read websites, so in short, this allows Claude to read Captions’ documentation.

Get Started

To use the Captions MCP server you will need an API key from your Captions account.

Start the MCP server locally


Install the server through the CLI

Open Terminal and run the following command to install the server:

npx mcp add captions

Add the authentication token

You will be asked for your API key. Copy it from the API Dashboard, paste it into the terminal, and hit return .

What is the Captions x-api-key (API key)?

Add new MCP server to configs

A new MCP server will be created locally on your computer. Next, choose which programs you’d like to add.

?  Add new MCP server to configs: › Space to select (all selected by default). Return to submit. 
◉   Cursor
◉   Claude Desktop

Start your MCP server

Copy and paste the command.

node /Users/[username]/.mcp/captions/src/index.js

Choose how you want to interact with the MCP

Next, open Claude or Cursor to start interacting with the Captions MCP Server.
